DIY beeswax food wraps

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Hobbyist beekeeper Natalie Ridler of Sugar & Hum creates an eco-friendly food wrap (wrap your cheese, a cut onion or sandwiches) using simple materials.

Beeswax food wraps are rapidly gaining popularity as an eco-friendly, reusable, effective way to keep food fresh and avoid using plastic wrap and disposable items. They are super easy to make at home, with just a few simple items. Here’s the how-to guide!

You will need:

  • Squares of cotton fabric cut to the size you like – I did a variety ranging from 15cm x 15cm to 30cm x 30cm (6in x 6in to 12in x 12in). Raiding your or someone else’s fabric scraps basket is handy here! I tend to use darker colours and patterns, as the beeswax can yellow the fabric slightly
  • Beeswax – I used my own, of course, but beeswax pellets are easy to find in health food stores or online
  • Paintbrush – use a new, small brush that you will only use for beeswax in future, as it won’t be good for much else
  • Large baking tray
  • Tinfoil or baking paper to line the tray and prevent wax dripping onto it (or your oven)
  • Pegs and a line to hang the wraps to dry



1. To make the wraps, cut your fabric squares. I use pinking shears on the edges to minimise fraying. Lay the fabric on the lined baking tray and sprinkle over your beeswax shards or pellets evenly.

2. Place into a mild oven (100deg C/200deg F is enough) and allow the wax to melt. Once completely liquid, remove the tray from the oven and use your brush to evenly spread the wax into the fabric. The fabric will look totally wet.

3. Hang the fabric to dry from one corner on a string either in the kitchen or outside if fine. The wax will be dry in a matter of minutes.

4. Your food wraps are ready to use! They are fabulous for keeping sandwiches fresh, wrapping over half an onion, or keeping a block of cheese perfectly in the fridge. To wash, simply rinse in warm soapy water (a dishwasher gets too hot) and reuse!


Sugar & Hum

natalieNatalie is a hobbyist beekeeper based in North Auckland. She currently has five hives and adores all aspects of beekeeping, including learning on the job, seeing the magic of bees interacting, sharing her knowledge with others and, of course, enjoying her own honey! Natalie’s 5-year-old nephew, Liam, also loves to beekeep with her.

Visit Natalie’s website, Sugar & Hum.

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