Decorate a child’s room or a storage crate with cute crocheted bunting. Get the pattern for crocheting your own here.
Crocheted bunting
Filed Under: Crafts, Crochet, Sweet Living Stories
Leaf print bunting

Love these leaf print garden flags! What you can do with a bit of paint, some scrap fabric and some leaves! The clever Jen of Paint Cut Paste shows us how to make this nature-inspired bunting.
Filed Under: Crafts, Fabric Paint, Kids Crafts, Sweet Living Stories
Bunting from vintage tablecloths

We’re so loving this idea! Mary Harding from The Vintage Cottage made this beautiful bunting from vintage tablecloths. “No living tablecloths were used in the making of this bunting,” says Mary. “They were all torn, holed or stained.” What a neat idea. We’re heading straight down to our local op shop to see what goodies […]
Filed Under: Crafts, Sew, Sweet Living Stories