Scented hearts

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Scented-heartsMake perfumed pouches to scent your linen drawers or cupboards or to give as heartfelt presents to family and friends.

These scented hearts are very easy to make. They are easier to make with a sewing machine, but they can be hand-stitched if you prefer.


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2 different-patterned cotton fabrics
Ribbon (for bow)
Heart-shaped button
Lace or trim (for hanging)
Potpourri or dried lavender
Sewing thread
Cardboard or paper (for template)

1. Draw a heart shape onto cardboard. Elongate the centre of the heart slightly as the centre of the fabric will be cut and rejoined, thus you will lose a few millimetres of your fabric. Cut out your cardboard template.

2. Use the template to cut a heart shape from each of your fabrics.

3. Place the two hearts on top of one another and cut straight down the middle.

4. Place one half of each different heart (ie. different fabrics) together (the wrong side of the fabric should be facing out) and pin. Then stitch a narrow seam along the cut edge. Repeat for the remaining half hearts.

5. Tie a bow from the ribbon and stitch onto one side of the heart. Stitch a heart-shaped button on top of this.

6. Place the two heart shapes together (the wrong sides of the fabric should be facing out) and stitch around the edges, leaving an opening at the top for turning and stuffing.

7. Turn the heart right side out and fill with potpourri or lavender. Hand-stitch the opening closed, stitching in a piece of lace or trim for hanging.

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