Online herb workshop

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Learn about herbs for STRESS and SLEEP; herbs for BEAUTY (how to make lip balms, creams, lotions); herbs for COMMON AILMENTS (make your own salves, tinctures, etc); and herbs for GREEN CLEANING.

After I launched my herb lecture series, I’ve had numerous people from around the country and overseas asking for an online herbal workshop.

So… here it is!

ONLINE HERB WORKSHOP – Taking enrolments now (spaces limited – book now)

You’ll learn about:

  • Herbs for stress and sleep (which herbs work and which don’t
  • Herbs for beauty (make your own face and body creams, lip balms, deodorants, perfumes, etc)
  • Herbs for common ailments (make salves, tinctures, oils, tonics, etc)
  • Herbs for cleaning (make your own natural cleaners for around the home)
  • Cooking with herbs – how many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are lost through cooking (plus making herb mixes, and preserving your herbs)*
  • How to grow and propagate your own herbs

* Includes information on stevia (the ‘sugar herb’ to use in place of sugar) plus recipes using stevia.

The details

This is a 6-week online herb workshop. But here’s the thing. You can do it at your own pace at any time – you don’t have to complete it within the 6 weeks.

You’ll be sent one module each week in PDF form (see full module outlines below), and you can look at it any time that suits you. Don’t worry. There’s no exam. It’s just a whole lot of darn fine information on everything herbal.

We will also schedule zoom calls for those who want to ask questions or have a yarn with other herb enthusiasts.


Access to me: I’ll be on hand to answer any of your questions (you’ll have complete access to me throughout the course), plus at the end of the course there will be a Q&A session – or you might just prefer to share information and recipes, or just hang out with like-minded people on our Facebook page. It’ll be fun.

Bonus Ebook

Plus, for a limited time only, you’ll also get the digital version of the excellent book Herbal Remedy Secret Uncovered, valued at $27, absolutely free. This covers a wealth of herbal remedies for ailments ranging from A to Z, including:

Acne, Altitude Sickness, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Bladder infections, Blisters, Bronchitis, Bruises, Burns, Bursitis or Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cold Sores, Colds & Flu, Constipation, Cuts & Scrapes, Dandruff, Depression, Diarrhea, Diverticulosis, Ear Infections, Eczema, Fatigue, Gas, Hangovers, Hay Fever and Allergies, Headaches, Heartburn, Hemorrhoids, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Hives, Indigestion, Insect Bites & Stings, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Memory Loss, Menopause, Menstrual Problems, Morning Sickness, Motion Sickness, Mouth Ulcers, Nausea, Osteoporosis, Sinus Infections, Smoking, Sore Throat, Sprains & Strained Muscles, Stress, Sunburn & Minor Burns, Toothaches, Ulcers, Warts.

Who am I?

I am Editor of Sweet Living magazine; former Editor of HerbNews (the quarterly magazine for the NZ Herb Federation); Herb Columnist for NZ Gardener magazine; Monthly Columnist for Lifestyle Block; and former weekly gardening columnist for Waikato Times, Southland Times, Manawatu Standard, Taranaki Daily News, Nelson Mail, Marlborough Express and Timaru Herald. I previously edited Weekend Gardener magazine and was Associate Editor of NZ Gardener magazine. I am a Certified Sleep Science Coach ( and regularly give talks and workshops across the country.

What are people saying about the course?

Hi Jane!

I had to drop a line and tell you how much I love this magazine!  It’s the most beautiful and inspiring read I’ve had for a while! The content is very high standard and the recipes!…can’t wait to try those magnificent cakes!

Thanks as well for the first module of the Herb Course – I’m just going through it again and revising now – so well written and referenced – what a great way to start learning – fabulous value!

– Poppy

Hi Jane

I just want to say how much I LOVE the first Module of your herbal course.  You have so much info in it that is so interesting.  It is so informative and has inspired me to want to do more with herbs. Thanks so much for producing a course with such brilliant and informative content!!

– Mel

I thoroughly enjoyed Module 4 and can see I will this one too. Thank you so much for making these available online.

– Bev

Module 6 is brilliant! Very informative and helpful – and the table of 25 Herbs to Propagate is just what I’ve been looking for. I’ve started planning a herb collection so this is so useful in terms of choosing what I’ll be planting. I also never thought of planting cumin or cardamom, but I will now, as I use those spices all the time! Keep up the great work, Jane – and thanks again!

– P

I am absolutely LOVING this course!!  I am behind in reading my modules but I have them printed and when I get 5 mins I sit quietly, reading + absorbing and making notes. This course has a wealth of information in it and is extremely interesting and valuable. The only constructive feedback I’d give you is that your price is WAY too cheap for this course. Every paragraph has a huge amount of valuable information and I feel you could (should) charge a lot more for all this knowledge that you’re sharing!!!

It has really ignited my passion for herbs again. Thanks for such a wonderful course and for sharing all your valuable knowledge!!

– Mel

This is really great!  The first Module had so much excellent information. I’ve just browsed through the second Module and now feel quite at home!  Thank you for another fact-filled Module; I will enjoy reading and studying it more closely, and trying out something herby and new!

– Aileen

I’m really enjoying the modules. They’re really interesting and easy to read.

– Stef

What do you get?

This online study program is an introduction to herbs, their many uses and the philosophy behind their medicinal uses. You will learn how to make your own herbal health remedies, natural herb cleaners and beauty products, and how to cultivate your own herbs, be it for medicinal or beauty purposes, or for simply flavouring your food.


Learn which herbs promote sleep and reduce stress – and which ones are best for you – not all herbs are suitable for everyone. Make your own calming teas and tinctures to reduce stress, and sleep remedies to give you more zzzz’s.


Learn the philosophy behind herbs as medicine and make infusions (teas), decoctions, tinctures, glycerites, oils, salves and syrups for common ailments, including colds, coughs, sore throats, stomach and digestive upsets, gut health, nausea, skin conditions, scratches, cuts, burns, inflammation, itching, bruises, strains and sprains, ear infections, wounds, cold sores, the immune system, and more.


Make your own natural cleaning solutions for the home with your newfound knowledge of which herbs are better than others. Make all-purpose cleaners, cleaning pastes, dishwasher tablets, floor cleaners, flowing soaps, laundry powder, furniture polish, pest repellents, and more.


Make your own face and body creams, cleansers, body butters, shampoo, talcum powder, lip balms, deodorants, perfumes, etc.


Learn how to use herbs properly in cooking – know how many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are lost through cooking, plus make your own herb mixes, herb butters and herb vinegars, and learn how to dry and store your homegrown herbs. Includes information and recipes for stevia, the ‘sugar herb’, to use in place of sugar.


Everyone can grow their own herbs, no matter their experience or the size of their garden (even if you don’t have a garden!). Learn the different types of herbs and the conditions they like, when and how to sow, taking cuttings and layering herbs, how to harvest herbs and collect seeds, and more. Learn how to grow selected spices as well.

Ready to join me?

Click the link below to take you through to a secure payment site.

GIFT: You can also gift the course to someone else. Email me after purchasing and give me the details of when you want the course to start if not immediately (on their birthday, for example).


** Best buy

  • 6-WEEK ONLINE HERB WORKSHOP (all 6 modules, sent once a week)
    Do it in your own time!
    Price: $37.00
  • Plus – BONUS – you also get the digital version of the excellent book Herbal Remedy Secret Uncovered, valued at $27, absolutely free.

Individual modules

    Price: $10.00
    Price: $10.00
    Price: $10.00
    Price: $10.00
    Price: $10.00
    Price: $10.00

If you would prefer to pay by other means, email me here.


  1. Monika Lange says

    Is this just pdf or audio too please?
    Cheers Monika

  2. Hi Jane,

    Have just found you on Pinterest – are you still offering the course?


  3. Hi – I would like to grow herbs for flowers/arrangements at my wedding in late January (Auckland) – Would the course be useful?

    • Hi Rita. Probably not so much for that. Take a look at my article over at my blog Flaming Petal on Growing your own wedding flowers: This is just a general article but I will soon (in the next couple of months) be releasing an online workshop taking you through the complete growing and arranging of flowers for your wedding, which will include herbs. Hope this helps. 🙂

      • Hi Jane – thanks for your reply. I have read the ‘Growing your own wedding flowers’ post and all the comments thoroughly (you are very generous with your replies!)
        I look forward to the workshop – do you think it will be out in time for planting for a late Jan wedding?
        I’ll have to do this herb workshop next year when I’m not planning a wedding!!

        • Hi Rita
          Yes, it should be. I will keep you posted. Should be out within next couple of weeks, all going well. 🙂

  4. Helen Bro says

    I want to do the online herbal course, but my application has not been accepted.
    Has the course closed??

  5. Hello!

    I’ve just paid for the full course 😀 When will I receive access to module 1 and is this by email?


  6. Hi- is this course still available in 2022?
    What a great idea.
    I wish this beautiful magazine was in print form but I understand

  7. Hi Jane,
    Do you still offer the herbal 6 week course, and does it still include the e book, herbal remedy secret uncovered.
    Thank you.

  8. Hello
    Are making all the cleaning solutions/beauty products part of the module? Does the course include recipes or how to innovate/tips and tricks?

    Thank you

  9. Hi,
    Is this course still available? Woukd love to do this

    Kind regards

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