DIY stress buster bath milk

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DIY-stress-buster-bath-milkFeeling stressed? Donna Lee from Cottage Hill Herbs explains how to make your own tension-reducing mix for the bath.

This is a safe bath milk for almost anyone. Best of all, it will gently induce calm, restful sleep when used before bed. Both chamomile and lavender reduce tension and stress, relaxing the central nervous system.

stress buster bath mixStress Buster Bath Mix

  • ½ cup dried lavender flowers
  • ½ cup dried chamomile flowers
  • 3 cups goat’s milk powder
  • 1 cup coconut milk powder
  • 12 drops pure essential oil of lavender
  • 10 drops pure essential oil of chamomile

Grind both the dried lavender and chamomile flowers to a powder – combine with the milk powders and blend well together.

Take half a cup of the total mixture, add the pure essential oils to this and grind with the back of a spoon or in a mortar and pestle, ensuring no lumps of essential oil remains in the milk powder.

Combine with the balance of milk powders and mix well. Place in a well sealed jar or bottle and label.

All ingredients can be purchased from Cottage Hill Herbs.

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