Easy DIY pincushion

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Make a framed pincushion to sit beside your sewing machine. It couldn’t be easier – all you need is a small frame and an old tray cloth. You can pick up beautifully embroidered tray cloths from charity shops for a song. Look beyond any stains or holes because you only need a snippet of it.

DIY framed pincushion

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First, remove the backing and glass, then paint the frame. We used Resene Endorphin for a fresh, vibrant colour.

When dry, turn the frame over to expose the back. Place your tray cloth face down with the embroidered pattern covering the hole. Press some stuffing into the centre where the hole is, so the cloth protrudes slightly on the other side (for the cushion), then, using an air-erasable pen, draw a line or circle onto the cloth that’s 2cm larger than the hole. Cut along the lines.

Place the cut piece of cloth back in place, fill with stuffing, and reposition the backing on the frame.

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